Victor Ojewale


Hi, welcome to my website! :)

I am a CS PhD student at Brown Univerity. I am also affiliated with the Center for Tech Responsibility, Reimagination and Redesign(CNTR) and the Data Science Institute(DSI) where I am advised by Prof.Suresh Venkatasubramanian . My research interests lie in understanding perceptions of algorithmic systems, AI Audits, and sociotechnical evaluation of Large language Models(LLMs) . I am also a member of the RISE Lab at Brown University where i also work with Prof.Malik Boykin. Previously, I studied Computer Science at the University of Ibadan.

Before starting my Phd I was a Data Scientist at SeqHub Analytics llc and also a research assistant with The Mozilla OAT Project

With a passion for exploring the ethical implications of emerging technologies, I am hoping to contribute to the development of more responsible and accountable technology systems.
